Atomic Layer Deposition of Nanostructured Materials【電子書籍】

Atomic layer deposition, formerly called atomic layer epitaxy, was developed in the 1970s to meet the needs of producing high-quality, large-area fl at displays with perfect structure and process controllability. Nowadays, creating nanomaterials and producing nanostructures with structural perfection is an important goal for many applications in nanotechnology. As ALD is one of the important techniques which offers good control over the surface structures created, it is more and more in the focus of scientists. The book is structured in such a way to fi t both the need of the expert reader (due to the systematic presentation of the results at the forefront of the technique and their applications) and the ones of students and newcomers to the fi eld (through the first part detailing the basic aspects of the technique).<br> <br> This book is a must-have for all Materials Scientists, Surface Chemists, Physicists, and Scientists in the Semiconductor Industry.<br>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:13,888円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0
ATOMIC 関連ツイート
RT @curry_boz: 本日はZoomにて80人の僧侶の会議。顔と名前覚えきれないどころか、もはや識別不能。あらためてこの言葉が胸に刺さります。
@onim_atomic 2020/05/11 10:14
RT @SanHonyaraka: @ze2vo @iuym アカウント削除して逃げたみたいです
@bom_atomic 2020/05/11 11:35
RT @okada_tarumi: 馬鹿馬鹿しい。検察庁法改正で三権分立が崩壊するというが、そもそも検察庁は行政機関だ
検察の人員不足、65歳定年制に対応する法改正。何…@bom_atomic 2020/05/11 06:45
イマイチAtomic Designのorganismの立ち位置が分からん、になってる
@happa_eight 2020/05/11 10:18
@yuuko_amnesia むしろ大きくして胸採用狙うべきやろ
@atomic_0812 2020/05/11 10:37
Kindleで「Atomic Habits」を買いました❗️
習慣化について書かれた本で、去年、ニューヨークタイムズのベストセラーにも選ばれた本なので楽しみです😊 2020/05/11 10:52